Monday, October 31, 2011

Pumpkin Fun 2011

Here's a list of the pumpkin activities we did to celebrate Halloween. Big Sister and Munchkin invited some of their friends over and we all managed to have a pumpkiny time. 
I tweeked an idea I found called the Mix and Match Pumpkin Game to fit our indoor small group. I printed out the templates they give you for the pumpkins (1 for each kid present) and the facial features to go with it. I placed all the eyes, noses and mouths in a bag, they came up one at a time and picked one out, placed it on any pumpkin. They loved the crazy way they all looked at the end.

Here's a fun magnet craft I picked up at the Joann store. We made our own little pumpkin patch! I can't find it online, but it was in a dollar bin there.

Here's our homemade orange play doh. We used paprika (mixed in with hot water) to make the basic dough an orange color. Next time I think I'll use this recipe, from to make it though. It uses KoolAid and even suggests putting some glitter in there.

These Jar O'Lanterns were so much fun. I found them on the Family Fun site, under Jar O'Lanterns. Basically, I saved up a few empty glass jars and cleaned them really well, inside and out. We used masking tape to give it a face and painted the entire thing with orange paint. After it dried we pulled off the tape and put a candle inside. Next year, I think I will save enough jars so we'll make enough to line the driveway for Trick or Treaters.

Happy Halloween!

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